Discover the surprising truth: Indian youth aged 9-17 devote over 3 hours daily to social media and gaming, according to a recent study

Discover the surprising truth: Indian youth aged 9-17 devote over 3 hours daily to social media and gaming, according to a recent study

Alarming Trends: Excessive Social Media Usage and Its Impact on India's Youth

A recent nationwide survey in India has shed light on a concerning trend: a staggering 60 percent of youngsters aged 9 to 17 are devoting over three hours daily to social media or gaming platforms. This extensive digital engagement is contributing to both positive and negative experiences, with a focus on the detrimental effects.

The Digital Landscape:

India, like the rest of the world, is witnessing an unprecedented surge in internet connectivity, with nearly 93 percent of the global population now online. Among these, approximately 60 percent, or 4.8 billion individuals, actively participate in social media. This online presence, while deeply ingrained in people's lives, especially among the younger generation, has cast a shadow over their mental well-being.

The Association with Depression:

Numerous studies have unveiled a significant link between prolonged social media usage and an increased risk of depression. A recent national survey conducted in India, involving interviews with nearly 50,000 parents, confirmed this concern. Shockingly, it found that six out of ten youngsters aged 9 to 17 are spending more than three hours daily on social media or gaming platforms.

Regional Insights:

The state of Maharashtra reported that 17 percent of the respondent parents observed their children spending over six hours online every day. These findings resonate across India, with 22 percent of parents from various regions reporting similar excessive online engagement. Alarmingly, only 10 percent of parents noted that their children felt "happier" after using social media or gaming platforms, underscoring the prevalence of negative impacts.

A Global Perspective:

This local study aligns with a 2022 report by the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, which highlights the connection between over three hours of daily social media interaction and heightened risks of depression and anxiety among children. The report sounded a stark warning about the "profound risk of harm" to adolescent mental health and urged families to set boundaries while urging governments to enforce stricter usage standards.

Mental Health Concerns:

An additional study by LocalCircles, a social media platform, revealed that extended social media engagement amplifies the likelihood of mental health issues, including aggression, impatience, hyperactivity, and depression. The research also unveiled that, beyond social media, OTT platforms have become a primary choice for children's leisure activities, followed closely by gaming.

A Growing Concern:

The emerging pattern suggests that youngsters aged 9-18 are increasingly tethered to their digital devices. They spend excessive time online, watching videos, playing games, and socializing, even after the reopening of schools. As a result, children are grappling with physical problems like headaches, back pain, and anxiety due to their extended screen time.

The Way Forward:

While concerns regarding social media and prolonged screen time have been raised on multiple occasions, recent studies are particularly alarming due to their impact on the future generation. Although complete avoidance of social media and online interaction may not be feasible, it's imperative to take affirmative steps. This includes having open conversations with children about the potential risks, establishing boundaries on screen time, and imparting responsible internet usage skills. These measures are essential to safeguard the mental well-being of India's youth.

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